Apple has suspended AI-generated summaries of news notifications after some were criticised for being misleading and false. Many publishers flagged up errors in the way the feature had worded their original push notifications. The National Union of Journalists told Sky News earlier this week it wasn’t “fit for purpose” and should be taken down. Reporters
President-elect Donald Trump has announced the appointment of actors Mel Gibson, Jon Voight and Sylvester Stallone as ambassadors to help make Hollywood “bigger, better and stronger”. Mr Trump said on his social media platform Truth Social the actors, all supporters of the president-elect, had been appointed as his “special envoys” to the world-famous filmmaking hub,
The two richest people on the planet are heading for a showdown in space. Elon Musk versus Amazon founder Jeff Bezos: they both launched prototype rockets on the same day, a rivalry with billions of dollars at stake. SpaceX’s Starship is fuelled by Musk’s extraordinary appetite for risk. He innovates through failure, and the seventh