
Ukrainian forces say they have conducted a “special operation” on a Dnipro island, as dramatic footage shows soldiers using speed boats and drones. Ukrainian special forces are said to have headed towards the Russian-held island, firing weapons as they drew closer, aerial footage posted by the Ukrainian army’s command of the special operations forces shows.
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his Ukrainian military forces have proven incredibly resilient against what should – at least on paper – have been a superior Russian force. But one month on from the start of a much-anticipated “spring” counteroffensive, there has been limited positive news from Kyiv, plenty of Russian reporting of significant enemy losses,
Ukraine has claimed “explosive devices” have been placed on the roof of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station, as Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned of “dangerous provocations” at the facility. The Ukrainian armed forces quoted “operational data” as saying that the devices had been placed on the roof of the plant’s third and fourth reactors on Tuesday, adding
Israeli troops have been pulling out of the Palestinian city of Jenin following one of their biggest West Bank operations in years. Convoys of military vehicles were seen leaving less than 48 hours after the offensive started. Despite the withdrawal, explosions could still be heard amid unconfirmed reports of a gunfight near a hospital. At